tornado_restless.handler – BaseHandler

class tornado_restless.handler.BaseHandler(application, request, **kwargs)[source]

Basic Blueprint for a sqlalchemy model

Subclass of tornado.web.RequestHandler that handles web requests.

Overwrite get() / post() / put() / patch() / delete() if you want complete customize handling of the methods. Note that the default implementation of this function check for the allowness and then call depending on the instance_id parameter the associated _single / _many method, so you probably want to call super()

If you just want to customize the handling of the methods overwrite method_single or method_many.

If you want completly disable a method overwrite the SUPPORTED_METHODS constant

initialize(model, manager, methods: set, preprocessor: dict, postprocessor: dict, allow_patch_many: bool, allow_method_override: bool, validation_exceptions, exclude_queries: bool, exclude_hybrids: bool, include_columns: list, exclude_columns: list, results_per_page: int, max_results_per_page: int)[source]

Init of the handler, derives arguments from api create_api_blueprint

  • model – The sqlalchemy model
  • manager – The tornado_restless Api Manager
  • methods – Allowed methods for this model
  • preprocessor – A dictionary of preprocessor functions
  • postprocessor – A dictionary of postprocessor functions
  • allow_patch_many – Allow PATCH with multiple datasets
  • allow_method_override – Support X-HTTP-Method-Override Header
  • validation_exceptions
  • exclude_queries – Don’t execude dynamic queries (like from associations or lazy relations)
  • exclude_hybrids – When exclude_queries is True and exclude_hybrids is False, hybrids are still included.
  • include_columns – Whitelist of columns to be included
  • exclude_columns – Blacklist of columns to be excluded
  • results_per_page – The default value of how many results are returned per request
  • max_results_per_page – The hard upper limit of resutest per page
Reqheader X-HTTP-Method-Override:

If allow_method_override is True, this header overwrites the request method

get(instance_id: str=None)[source]

GET request

Parameters:instance_id (comma seperated string list) – query argument of request
Statuscode 405:GET disallowed
get_single(instance_id: list) → dict[source]

Get one instance

Parameters:instance_id (list of primary keys) – query argument of request
get_many() → dict[source]

Get all instances

Note that it is possible to provide offset and page as argument then it will return instances of the nth page and skip offset items

Statuscode 400:if results_per_page > max_results_per_page or offset < 0
Query results_per_page:
 Overwrite the returned results_per_page
Query offset:Skip offset instances
Query page:Return nth page
Query limit:limit the count of modified instances
Query single:If true sqlalchemy will raise an error if zero or more than one instances would be deleted
post(instance_id: str=None)[source]

POST (new input) request

Parameters:instance_id – (ignored)
Statuscode 204:instance successfull created
Statuscode 404:Error
Statuscode 405:POST disallowed
patch(instance_id: str=None)[source]

PATCH (update instance) request

Parameters:instance_id (comma seperated string list) – query argument of request
Statuscode 403:PATCH MANY disallowed
Statuscode 405:PATCH disallowed
patch_single(instance_id: list) → dict[source]

Patch one instance

Parameters:instance_id (list of primary keys) – query argument of request
Statuscode 201:instance successfull modified
Statuscode 404:Error
patch_many() → dict[source]

Patch many instances

Statuscode 201:instances successfull modified
Query limit:limit the count of modified instances
Query single:If true sqlalchemy will raise an error if zero or more than one instances would be modified
put(instance_id: str=None)[source]

PUT (update instance) request

Parameters:instance_id (comma seperated string list) – query argument of request
Statuscode 403:PUT MANY disallowed
Statuscode 404:Error
Statuscode 405:PUT disallowed
delete(instance_id: str=None)[source]

DELETE (delete instance) request

Parameters:instance_id (comma seperated string list) – query argument of request
Statuscode 403:DELETE MANY disallowed
Statuscode 405:DELETE disallowed
delete_single(instance_id: list) → dict[source]

Get one instance

Parameters:instance_id (list of primary keys) – query argument of request
Statuscode 204:instance successfull removed
delete_many() → dict[source]

Remove many instances

Statuscode 200:instances successfull removed
Query limit:limit the count of deleted instances
Query single:If true sqlalchemy will raise an error if zero or more than one instances would be deleted

Tornado Restless Logger